Master Municipal Construction Documents Association

Board and Committees

The volunteer committees within the Master Municipal Construction Documents Association review comments and manage content on the various products and services offered by the MMCD Association.

You can post questions to the individual committees by contacting our office.

 Board of Directors

 Asset Management Committee

Committee responsible for refining and expanding the MMCD's asset management toolkit.

 Civil Committee

The Civil Committee manages the development of all Civic Specifications.

 Client Consultant Agreement Subcommittee

Subcommittee of the Documents Committee, mandated to review and revise the Client Consultant Agreement

 Documents Committee

Responsible for reviewing and updating the MMCD documents.

 Electrical Committee

The Electrical Committee manages the development of all Electrical Specifications and Drawings.

 Marketing and Education Committee

Responsible for review and revision of the MMCDA Marketing policy

 Referee Committee

Determines criteria for and manages certification of MMCD referees.