Master Municipal Construction Documents Association

Document Installation Guide

LockLizard is the document licensing software used to manage your MMCD electronic documents. 

Accessing a Single-User License MMCD Electronic Document

Please reference the following if your organization has purchased a single-user license for either the 2019 MMCD or Platinum Edition Electronic Documents.

Access to the 2019 and Platinum Editions of the MMCD Electronic Documents is limited to using the documents on a single device per purchased licence. The device on which you perform the installation process will be the only device authorized to use the tools. Please follow the instructions below if you need to reinstall the viewer to view your documents, or have questions about how MMCD electronic documents are accessed.

Note: In order to be able to view the 2019 Edition, you will need to upgrade or download the latest version of LockLizard.

Step 1: Download Secure Viewer

MMCD Documents are protected by a license management system, which requires a secure viewer on the computer that will be used to view the documents. This viewer only needs to be installed once for all MMCD documents.

Please click on the download button below and select the appropriate operating system that is being used on your device.



Download the Product version of the PDC Viewer, and then open the file that was just downloaded onto your device. Go through the set up and if you encounter any problems, there are instructions on the same page where you downloaded the Product version of the PDC Viewer. 

Note: If you had a previous version of LockLizard on your device, it will prompt you to uninstall the previous version before you are able to download the latest version. Please uninstall the previous version as prompted. Afterwards, open the same file that was just downloaded onto your device and go through the set up.

Step 2: Download Licence File

After the secure viewer is installed, you need to download and link your license file to the viewer. You will receive a link to the license file once you have purchased a document. After you have saved the license file on your computer, simply use your mouse to "double-click" the file and it will be automatically linked to the installed viewer.

Step 3: Download Documents

When you purchase an electronic document, you will receive a link to a personalized page similar to this one. This will contain a link to download the documents you have purchased.

How do I access the 2019 Server Edition?

The 2019 Server Edition of the MMCD allows the documents to be accessed on a per licence basis, and is not restricted to a specific computer. If your organization purchased 10 licences, then 10 people will be able to access the documents at any given time. 

If you have any questions, please click the orange Server Edition FAQs button that is located on every page of the website.

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The members of the MMCDA have taken care in preparing these documents, but neither the members nor the MMCDA accepts any liability for any loss or damage which may be suffered by any person or corporation as a result of the use of the documents. These documents are made available without representation by the MMCDA or its members as to the appropriateness of their use in any particular situation and issued on the strict understanding that each user accepts full responsibility for their use.