Master Municipal Construction Documents Association


CCA: The MMCD Experts

Certified Contract Administrators guarantee fairness and consistency when overseeing an infrastructure project, benefiting owners, clients and the public. They are an integral part of every MMCD infrastructure project, and our degree of professionalism and training means that project stakeholders can rest assured knowing they are working with a dedicated, informed individual.

Why should I become a CCA?

Our Certified Contract Administrator Course gives you all the knowledge, tools, and skills you need to effectively manage and oversee the drafting and implementation of an MMCD contract. Watch these videos to hear first-hand from CCAs who know the value of getting certified after years of experience in the field.

Boost your chances for assignments to more interesting or complex contracts by being the contract administration expert on your team. Getting certified doesn’t just benefit owners and developers, the CCA designation shows employers that you have the education, experience, and commitment to complete this challenging certification process.

I want to learn more about the CA Course!


Why should I use a CCA?

Under the MMCD, you – the project owner – are responsible for appointing the contract administrator for your infrastructure project. That Contract Administrator must balance the interests of owners, designers, and contractors in the contract administration process. Wearing these three hats builds inherent potential conflicts that must be managed fairly and quickly to ensure projects complete on time and on budget. The more complex the project, the higher the likelihood of conflict, and the greater the demands on the Contract Administrator.

The CCA is an MMCD contract administration expert. Certified Contract Administrators (CCAs) voluntarily undergo a rigorous certification process through the MMCD Association, which includes providing proof of education, practical experience, and professional references, a 16-hour training course, and writing a certification examination – all to ensure a fair process for all parties involved in completing your contract.


The members of the MMCDA have taken care in preparing these documents, but neither the members nor the MMCDA accepts any liability for any loss or damage which may be suffered by any person or corporation as a result of the use of the documents. These documents are made available without representation by the MMCDA or its members as to the appropriateness of their use in any particular situation and issued on the strict understanding that each user accepts full responsibility for their use.